Health of Nation Outcome Scales HoNOS

Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS)

After the publication of HONOS 2018, it was recognized that it was highly desirable to subject the benefits of its changes to empirical testing. A study evaluating the content validity of HONOS 2018 was published in 2022.

However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the reliability of the updated tool by measuring the agreement between different raters. Our findings confirmed that there was an acceptable level of agreement among student mental health nurses trained to use HONOS 2018.

  • See published papers

HONOS for Intellectual Disabilities (HONOS-ID)

The Health Outcome Scale for People with Learning Disabilities (Honos-LD) has been widely used for 20 years, but like the other original versions of the Honos family, it has not been updated to reflect contemporary clinical practice. In addition to its use in UK services, New Zealand has mandated routine monitoring and outcome measurement of the Honos-LD in all intellectual disability services nationwide.

After reviewing Honos and Honos65+, the Royal College of Psychiatrists convened an advisory committee including the UK and New Zealand. The advisory committee was made up of multidisciplinary experts specialising in working with people with intellectual disabilities, and its aim was to propose modifications to Honos-LD. The input and experience from the countries involved was used to develop a series of proposed modifications aimed at improving inter- and intra-rater reliability and improving validity, rather than a more radical revision. This updated version, reflecting the changing population and the nature of the services provided to meet their needs, is called Honos-ID.

Further work is currently being carried out on exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis; internal consistency; test-retest reliability; sensitivity to change; and inter-rater agreement.

  • See the final version of the revision tool

The Department of Mental Health Services Research and Development at Akersdorf University Hospital in Norway, in collaboration with our university, has now published a translation of Honos 2018.

  • See the Norwegian version of Honos 2018

More information here. A. Hanssen-Bauer, Department of Mental Health and Addiction, Akerhus University Hospital, Norway. Please send an email to ketil. hanssen-bauer@ahus. no. After the publication of HONOS 2018, it was recognized that it was highly desirable to subject the benefits of its changes to an empirical test. A study evaluating the content validity of HONOS 2018 was published in 2022.

Guidance on the use of HoNOS in Perinatal Mental Health Services

However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the reliability of the updated tool by measuring the degree of agreement between different raters. Our findings confirmed that there was an acceptable level of agreement among student mental health nurses trained to use HONOS 2018.

See published paper

  • HONOS for Intellectual Disabilities (HONOS-ID)

HoNOS Older Adults: Assessment of Content Validity

The Health Outcome Scale for People with Learning Disabilities (Honos-LD) has been widely used for 20 years, but like the other original versions of the Honos family, it has not been updated to reflect contemporary clinical practice. In addition to its use in UK services, New Zealand has mandated routine monitoring and outcome measurement of the Honos-LD in all intellectual disability services nationwide.

Following a review of Honos and Honos65+, the Royal College of Psychiatrists convened an advisory committee including the UK and New Zealand. The advisory committee was made up of multidisciplinary experts specialising in working with people with intellectual disability and its aim was to propose modifications to the Honos-LD. Input and experience from the countries involved was used to develop a series of proposed modifications aimed at improving inter- and intra-rater reliability and improving validity rather than a more radical revision. This updated version reflects the changing population and the nature of the services provided to meet their needs and is called Honos-ID.

  • Further work is currently being carried out on exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis; internal consistency; test-retest reliability; sensitivity to change; and inter-rater agreement.

HoNOS (2018): Assessment of Content Validity

View the final version of the revised tool

Following a review of Honos and Honos65+, the Royal College of Psychiatrists convened an advisory committee including the UK and New Zealand. The advisory committee was made up of multidisciplinary experts specialising in working with people with intellectual disability and its aim was to propose modifications to the Honos-LD. Input and experience from the countries involved was used to develop a series of proposed modifications aimed at improving inter- and intra-rater reliability and improving validity rather than a more radical revision. This updated version reflects the changing population and the nature of the services provided to meet their needs and is called Honos-ID.

  • View the Norwegian version of Honos 2018

For more information, please send an email to A. Hanssen-Bauer, Department of Mental Health and Addiction, Akerhus University Hospital, Norway, at ketil. hanssen-bauer@ahus. no. After the publication of HONOS 2018, it was recognized that it was highly desirable to subject the benefits of the changes to an empirical test. A study evaluating the content validity of HONOS 2018 was published in 2022.

HoNOS (2018)

However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the reliability of the updated tool by measuring the degree of agreement between different raters. Our findings confirmed that there was an acceptable level of agreement among student mental health nurses trained to use HONOS 2018.

View Published Papers

  • HONOS for People with Intellectual Disabilities (HONOS-ID)
  • The Health Outcome Scale for People with Learning Disabilities (Honos-LD) has been widely used for 20 years but, like other original versions of the Honos family, has not been updated to reflect contemporary clinical practice. In addition to its use in UK services, New Zealand has mandated routine monitoring and outcome measurement of the Honos-LD in all intellectual disability services nationwide.

HoNOS Older Adults

Following a review of the Honos and Honos65+, the Royal College of Psychiatrists convened an advisory committee including the UK and New Zealand. The advisory committee was made up of multidisciplinary experts specialising in working with people with intellectual disability and its aim was to propose modifications to the Honos-LD. Input and experience from each country involved was used to develop a set of proposed modifications aimed at improving inter- and intra-rater reliability and improving validity rather than a more radical revision. This updated version reflects the changing population and the nature of the services provided to meet their needs and is called Honos-ID.

Further work is currently being carried out on an exploratory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, sensitivity to change, interrater agreement.

  • HONOS for People with Intellectual Disabilities (HONOS-ID)
  • The Department of Mental Health Services Research and Development at Akerhus University Hospital, Norway, in collaboration with our university, has just published a translated version of Honos 2018.


  • View the Norwegian version of Honos 2018

HoNOS (Working age adults)

For more information, please contact A. Hanssen Bauer, Department of Mental Health and Addiction, Akerhus University Hospital, Norway. Please email ketil. hanssen-bauer@ahus. no.

Health of The National Outcome Scales (HONOS) is easy to use in major mental health services, but in specialized services, adding clinicians to provide more concrete terms and additional terms. Some people think that gaining guidance is useful.

However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the reliability of the updated tool by measuring the degree of agreement between different raters. Our findings confirmed that there was an acceptable level of agreement among student mental health nurses trained to use HONOS 2018.

Additional guidance on the use of HONOS in perinatal services

Following the announcement of HONOS for the elderly (the revised version of the original HONOS65+), it was recognized that it was very desirable to take the advantages of the change into empirical tests. Currently, research is completed to evaluate the validity of the contents of the elderly HONOS, and the final report can be accessed from the following links. Since the defect of content validity could affect all other measurement characteristics, the content validity was identified as a priority.


  • The project is a joint research by Australian, UK and New Zealand teams, and thanks to the Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) for the guidance and coordination of this project.
  • Download revised edition Health of the Nation Outcomes Scales65+Contents validation evaluation: Adult HONOSOLDER

HoNOS 65+ (Older Adults)

After the announcement of HONOS 2018, it was recognized that it was strongly desired to have the advantages of the change in empirical verification. HONOS 2018's research is completed, and the final report can be accessed from the link below. Since the defect of content validity could affect all other measurement characteristics, the content validity was identified as a priority.

  • The project is a collaboration between Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand, and thanks to Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) for guidance and coordinating the project.
  • Download HONOS (2018): Evaluation of content validity report
  • This project ("Assessing Content of the Revised Health of The Nation's Health Outcome Scales (HONOS 2018)") Published in Uments for Measuring Health.
  • Since its publication in 1996, the Health of the Nation's Health Outcomes Scale (HONOS) has demonstrated adequate reliability, validity, clinical usefulness, and sensitivity to change. The UK, Australia, and New Zealand mandate the HONOS to routinely monitor and measure outcomes across national mental health services.
  • While acknowledging this basic robustness, 20 years of training, use, and analysis, plus advances in psychiatry and mental health services, have led to the recognition that an update to the terminology is needed to improve the use of the HONOS. The Royal College of Psychiatrists of the UK (RCPsych) has chosen to conduct a limited review (rather than a full reformulation and review) aimed at improving the usefulness of the HONOS using expert opinion.
  • Download the review findings
  • Download the revised Honos glossary (Honos 2018)
  • The Health of the Nation's Health Outcomes Scale for Older Adults (HONOS65+) is 20 years old and widely used, but like the original version for the working age population, it has not been updated to reflect modern clinical practice. Australia and New Zealand have mandated routine monitoring and outcome measurement of the HONOS65+ across older adult mental health services. In England, its use is more variable, with many people using the tabular version. The HONOS65+ section has more information on the different versions available.
  • Following the Honos review, the Royal College of Psychiatrists invited members with expertise in geriatric care to serve on an advisory committee to propose revisions to the Honos65+. Input and experience from each country involved was used to produce a series of revisions aimed at improving intra- and inter-rater reliability and improving validity, rather than more radical revisions. This revised version is called HONOS Elderly to reflect the changing elderly population and the services provided to meet their needs.

Download the review results

HoNOSCA (Children and Adolescents)

Download the revised HONOS65+ (HONOS Elderly) glossary



Frequently Asked Questions about HONOS

In 1993, the Ministry of Britain asked the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Research Unit to develop a scale to measure the health and social functions of people with severe mental illness. The initial purpose was to provide a means to record the progress of the national health target, which significantly improves the health and social functions of mentally ill persons.

Thre e-year development and test results, 12 items that measure behavior, disability, symptoms, and social functions have been completed (Wing, Curtis & Amp; Amp; Beevor, 1996). This scale has various applications for clinicians, researchers, managers, especially the committee members and medical providers. This scale was developed after strict tests on reception, usefulness, sensitivity, reliability, and validity, and was approved by the NHS Executive Committee to set information requirements to register in the NHS data dictionary. 。

Since the announcement of Honos (Health of The Nations' SCALE) in 1996, the sensitivity to sufficient reliability, validity, clinical usefulness, and changes has been demonstrated. The United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand are obliged to monitor and measure HONOS on a daily basis for outcomes for the entire mental health services.

  • While acknowledging such basic robustness, in addition to 20 years of training, use, and analysis, it is necessary to update the term collection to improve the use of HONOS due to the progress of psychiatry and mental health services. That has come to be recognized. The Royal Royal Psychiatric Association (RCPSYCH) chooses a limited review (not a complete reconstruction and review) aimed at improving the usefulness of HONOS using the opinions of experts. did. As a result, a updated version called HONOS 2018 was released.
  • Honos is translated into many languages ​​and is widely used around the world.
  • View Honos Glossary 1996
  • Seeing the Honos Glossary 2018 < Span> In 1993, the Ministry of UK Health Measures the Health and Social Functions of Severe Mental Diseases in Royal College of Psychiatrists' Research Unit: CRU). We requested the development of a scale to do. The initial purpose was to provide a means to record the progress of the national health target, which significantly improves the health and social functions of mentally ill persons.
  • Thre e-year development and test results, 12 items that measure behavior, disability, symptoms, and social functions have been completed (Wing, Curtis & Amp; Amp; Beevor, 1996). This scale has various applications for clinicians, researchers, managers, especially the committee members and medical providers. This scale was developed after strict tests on reception, usefulness, sensitivity, reliability, and validity, and was approved by the NHS Executive Committee to set information requirements to register in the NHS data dictionary. 。
  • Since the announcement of Honos (Health of The Nations' SCALE) in 1996, the sensitivity to sufficient reliability, validity, clinical usefulness, and changes has been demonstrated. The United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand are obliged to monitor and measure HONOS on a daily basis for outcomes for the entire mental health services.
  • While acknowledging such basic robustness, in addition to 2 0-year training, use, analysis, it is necessary to update the term collection to improve the use of HONOS due to the progress of psychiatry and mental health services. That has come to be recognized. The Royal Royal Psychiatric Association (RCPSYCH) chooses a limited review (not a complete reconstruction and review) aimed at improving the usefulness of HONOS using the opinions of experts. did. As a result, a updated version called HONOS 2018 was released.

Honos is translated into many languages ​​and is widely used around the world.

View Honos Glossary 1996

HoNOS-Secure glossary and scoresheet

  • Looking at the Honos Glossary 2018, the Ministry of British Health in the British Health Measures the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Research Unit (CRU: CRU). We requested development. The initial purpose was to provide a means to record the progress of the national health target, which significantly improves the health and social functions of mentally ill persons.
  • Thre e-year development and test results, 12 items that measure behavior, disability, symptoms, and social functions have been completed (Wing, Curtis & Amp; Amp; Beevor, 1996). This scale has various applications for clinicians, researchers, managers, especially the committee members and medical providers. This scale was developed after strict tests on reception, usefulness, sensitivity, reliability, and validity, and was approved by the NHS Executive Committee to set information requirements to register in the NHS data dictionary. 。
  • Since the announcement of Honos (Health of The Nations' SCALE) in 1996, the sensitivity to sufficient reliability, validity, clinical usefulness, and changes has been demonstrated. The United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand are obliged to monitor and measure HONOS on a daily basis for outcomes for the entire mental health services.

While acknowledging such basic robustness, in addition to 20 years of training, use, and analysis, it is necessary to update the term collection to improve the use of HONOS due to the progress of psychiatry and mental health services. That has come to be recognized. The Royal Royal Psychiatric Association (RCPSYCH) chooses a limited review (not a complete reconstruction and review) aimed at improving the usefulness of HONOS using the opinions of experts. did. As a result, a updated version called HONOS 2018 was released.

HoNOS-LD (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities) and HoNOS-ID (HoNOS for People with Intellectual Disability


Honos is translated into many languages ​​and is widely used around the world.

View Honos Glossary 1996

View Honos Glossary 2018


  • Currently, there are several versions of HONOS65+. The original Honos65+was announced in 1999. This version is required in Australia and New Zealand, but in England is more diverse. HIG65+is a standardization of what the Royal College of Psychiatrists' College Research Unit is used, and is used in many facilities. This was improved from 1997 to 1999 by members of the Honos65+development team of the former Loo Sham & Guard NHS Trust. This is the first Trust that completely introduced HONOS65+. In 2018, RCPSYCH developed a revised version of the original HONOS65+called Honos Older Adults in cooperation with Australian and New Zealand colleagues.
  • Honos elderly (2018)

HoNOS ABI (Acquired Brain Injury)


HONOS65+3rd edition table (PDF)

  • Spanish version HONOS65+Glossary (PDF)

Publications 2019-2023


Sel f-evaluation of Spanish version HONOS65+(PDF)

Dutch version HONOS65+Glossary (PDF)

French version HONOS65+glossary (PDF)

Greek version HONOS65+Glossary (PDF)

Italian version HONOS65+Glossary (PDF)

Honos 65

This version is composed of the same 12 scale, which is used to evaluate the mental health service user in the elderly. These also evaluates the various aspects of mental and social health on a scale of 0 to 4, respectively. It is designed to be used by clinicians before and after the intervention, and can measure changes (outcom) due to intervention.

Child and Adolescent Health Outcome Scales was developed for children and young people (under 18 years old) in contact with mental health services. The use of Honosca has been fully approved by the Ministry of Health, translated into many other languages, as well as the Honos Family publisher, and is used in many countries around the world.

The Honos-Secure version 2B is the latest version of what was previously known as Honos-MDO*. This version is specially designed to be used in medical and social welfare fields, such as safe psychiatric care, medical care in prison, and forensic and social welfare. Some of the original Honos can be difficult to interpret in a safe environment, and this scale meets the needs.

In 2002, Dr. Philip Sugarman and Lorraine Walker developed the first version of HoNOS-secure at St Andrew's Hospital Group (now known as St Andrew's Healthcare). The "MDO scale" was developed into seven security scales, and the final score sheet provided 19 severity ratings, an overall HoNOS score, and an individual security score profile. The title was changed from "Mentally Disordered Offenders" (MDO) to "secure" to include all secure service users.

Version 2 of HoNOS-secure was developed in late 2004, simplifying the original guidelines and making some changes to the wording of the security scale (based on detailed comments from users and a review of the reliability of the score). The aim was to make the tool more "friendly". Version 2b, produced in February 2007, left the scale unchanged, but simplified the explanations based on feedback received in training sessions.

There are seven safety scales:

A = risk of harm to adults or children

B = risk of self-harm (deliberate or accidental)

C = need for building security to prevent physical escape

D = need for a safe staffed living environment

E = need for accompaniment on licensure (beyond a secure perimeter)

F = danger from others

G = need for risk management procedures

As with previous versions, HoNOS Safety HoNOS version 2b is not a risk assessment tool. It allows the results of clinical risk assessments to be assessed in terms of the need for care and the need for clinical risk management procedures.

*HoNOS-MDO consists of modifications of the original 12 HoNOS scales and one "MDO scale" to provide an overall assessment of the need for safe care. HoNOS-MDO was piloted by the Kent Forensic Psychiatric Service in secure wards in the South Thames area. The results showed very high inter-rater reliability and good reliability when using HoNOS and HoNOS-MDO interchangeably in these settings.

Glossary HoNOS-Secure v2 (pdf)

HoNOS-Secure result sheet (pdf)

Explanation HoNOS-Secure v2 (pdf)

For enquiries please contact Sanjit Kamath, Executive Medical Director, skamath@standrew. co. uk.

The national health outcome scale for learning disabilities was designed to be used for people with learning disabilities who have mental health needs, regardless of the degree of disability. The Honos-LD was tested for interrater reliability, convergent reliability, validity under change, and acceptability in a national pilot study. The results showed that the interrater reliability was good and the sensitivity to change was at a level acceptable to clinicians working in the field.

Like other versions of the Honos family, the Honos-LL has been widely used for many years, but like other original versions of the Honos family, it has not been updated to reflect contemporary clinical practice. In addition to its use in UK services, New Zealand has mandated the Honos-LD for routine monitoring and outcome measurement in all intellectual disability services nationwide.

Following a review of the Honos and Honos65+, the Royal College of Psychiatrists convened an advisory committee that included the UK and New Zealand. The advisory committee was made up of multidisciplinary experts specialising in working with people with intellectual disability, and its aim was to propose modifications to the Honos-LD. Input and experience from the countries involved was used to develop a series of amendments aimed at increasing reliability and improving validity within and across grades, rather than a more radical revision. This updated version is called Honos-ID, reflecting the changing population and the nature of the services provided to meet their needs. National even outcome health for people with learning disabilities (Honos-LD (2002)

National even outcome health for people with intellectual disabilities (Honos-ID) (2023)

The even outcome health for people with acquired brain injury was derived primarily from the HONOS65+ by a group of brain injury psychiatrists interested in developing a version of HONOS more appropriate for this group of people.

Glossary and Honos Avi threadsheet

Baggio, S., Kaiser, S. and Wullschleger, A., 2023. The impact of isolation on mental health status in an inpatient psychiatric population: a pilot simulation using observational data. Evaluation & amp; amp;. Health Professions, p. 01632787231164489.

Barbato, A., D'Avanzo, B., Corrao, G., Di Fiandra, T., Ferrara, L., Gaddini, A., Jarach, C. M., Monzio Compagnoni, M., Saponaro, A., Scondotto, S. and Tozzi, V. D., 2023. Distribution of mental health service users in need-based care clusters: an Italian pilot study. Community Journal of Mental Health, pp. 1-10.

Camargo, W. M. L., Zanelly, G. A. L., Concha, A. H., Gonzales, M. M. R., Torres, A. M. E. and Camargo, Z. R. L., 2023. Protective home according to the Honos scale in patients with mental illness, 2022. International Technology, Science and Society Review/Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, 15 (1), pp. 219-226.

Casavola, V., Giampieri, E., Paggi, E., Scialò, C., Possenti, C., Stefano, B., Lorusso, O., Di Giacomo, E. And Clerici, M., 2023. People with mental disorders: evidence from the Italian project "Diogene". The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 211 (11), pp. 870-875.

Charles, R., Bhandarkar, R. and Fulgoni, C., 2023. Using evidence-based measures to assess the effectiveness of residential mental health rehabilitation for adults with dual disabilities. Bjpsych Open, 9 (S1), pp.

Chatton, A., Khazaal, Y. and Penzenstadler, L., 2023. The 13-item Health Outcome Scale (HONOS-13): Item Response Theory (IRT) validation in patients with substance use disorders. Addiction Science & amp; amp; Clinical Practice, 18 (1), pp. 64.

Crowley, S., McDonagh, S., Carolan, D. and O'Connor, K., 2023. Clinical impact of crisis resolution treatment groups. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, pp. 1-8.

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de Bruijn, E., Jochems, E. O., Wierdsma, A. I. and Voskes, Y., 2023. An overlooked part of flexible assertive communities - a retrospective study of factors associated with event denial in clients with psychotic disorders. Community Journal of Mental Health, pp. 1-8.

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Dewey, K., Evans, S., Horsley, S. and Baker, E., 2023. Effectiveness of active behavior support to reduce the challenging behavior of intellectual disabilities and improve the quality of life. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabouties.

D'ORTA, I., Weber, K., Herrmann, F. R. And GiannakopOULOS, P., 2023. Acute Palace Psychiatric Psychiatric wards and clinical transfers and determination of hospital period periods. BMC PSYCHIATRY, 23 (1), pp. 1-9.

ELISA, F., Davide, T., Luisa, S. M., MARTINA, TOMMASO, TOMMASO, B. C., S. C., Barbara, D. A. Results analysis: survey by Italy, Furiuri Venice Julia. Journal of Mental Health, pp. 1-10.

Friedrich, M. E. E., G., Leutgeb, L., Haardt, D., Frey, R., Stewart, R. And Mueller, C., 2023. Prediction factors for patients diagnosed with delusion: Electronic Calt data analysis. ACTA PSYCHIATRICA Scandinavica, 147 (5), pp. 506-515.

Gibson, L. L., Muller, C., Stewart, R., Arsland, D., 2023. Characteristics related to the high possibility of Levy smal l-body dementia in the second psychiatric psychiatric cohort. ALZHEIMER'S & amp; dementia, 19, p. e079205.

Grønnerød, C., 2023. Will Honos and Hipop converge? Factor structure and normation data in various patient samples in Norway. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 15 (1), pp. 1-9.

HARRIS, M. G., Tappp, C., Arnautovska, U., Coombs, T., Dickson, Dickson, Dickson, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, M., JURY, A. , M. m., 2023. revised version Health of the National 65+ Health Outcome Scales: The Honos Older Adults evaluation of the content validity. 195-202.

Hayward, D., Richardson, T., Beattie, D. and Bayliss, P., 2023. Comparison of discharge prediction factors for trauma treatment (TF-CBT and EMDR) in adult mental health services. EMDR practice and research journal.

Hunt, R., Dagnan, D., Muncer, S. And Copping, L., 2023. Explore the structure of the national outcome health factor for people with disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 67 (11), pp. 11113-1123.

Hosie, A. and Agar, M., 2023. Clitical care hospitalization rate for patients with dementia: Is it too high, too low, or just right? Aging and aging, 52 (10), P. AFAD200.

Kleijburg, A., Wijnen, B., Den Hollander, W., Evers, S., KROON, H. And Lokkerbol, J. 2023. OP134 OP134 OP134 Pharmaceutical therapy follow-up and outcome survey of EQ-5D Healthy scale mapping. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 39 (S1), pp. s39-S39.

Lai, J., JURY, A., Tuason, C., Basabas, M. C., Swanson, C., Wei r-Smith, K., K., K. K., Taurura, T. URUA, T., Garrett . Isolation within 24 hours after entering the mental health hospitalization service, a route, recent service contact evaluation, and related to HONOS. A journal of psychiatry and mental health.

Leone, L., Giunta, G., Motta, G., Cavallaro, G., Martinez, L. and RIGHETTI, A., 2023. Innovative approach to dismantling a forensic mental hospital in Italy: Influence of 10 years 。 Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health: CP & camp? EMH, 19.

Hayashi, X. I., White, T., Gray, A. R. and Glue, P., 2023. HONOS-Secure's short-term medium-term forecast valid for violence in a forensic mental ward in New Zealand. The journal of foreNSIC PSYCHIATRY & amp; amp; psychology, 34 (2), pp. 149-165.

Machová, k., juríčková, v., kasparová, a., petrová, k., sládková, v. and svobodovodá, 2023. Evaluation of horse psychotherapy for patients with substance use disorder. Plos ONE, 18 (6), P. E. E0286867.

Makivić, I., Selak, š. And Kragelj, A., 2023. Which assessment tool should I use? Review of needs evaluation tools for service evaluation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 33 (SUPLEMENT_2), PP.

MERONI, G., Sentissi, O., Kaiser, S. And Wullschleger, A., 2023. Adult Psychiatric Ingredients without consent The forefront of psychiatry, 14, pp. 1224328.

Monk-Kanriff, J. J., Kadra-Scalzo, G., Finamore, C., Dale, O., KHONDOKER, KHONDOKER, M., Barrett, B., Shetty, HAYES, R. D., R., R., 2023 。 Severe determination of personality disorder using electronic medical records. BJPSYCH OPEN, 9 (5), P. E137.

Painter, J., Adams, N., INGHAM, B., James, M., Majid, M., Roy, A., Shankar, R. And Smith, M., 2023. National Health for Learning Disabled Review and update the outcom scale (HONOS-LD). International Society Psychiatry Journal, 69 (7), PP. 1807-1813.

Pelizza, L., Leuci, E., Quattrone, Azali, Azazali, S., PuPo, S., Paulillo, G., Menchetti, M. And Pellegrini, P., 2023. In the clinical high risks of mental illness Harmful transfer analysis: As a result of the tw o-year tracking survey in Italy. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, pp.

Pelizza, L., Leuci, E., Quattrone, Azali, Azazali, S., Pupo, S., Paulillo, G., Pellegrini, P. and MENCHETTI, M., 2023. Early intervention services for initial psychiatric diseases Shor t-term withdrawal: Installation from Palma early psychathy project. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, PP.

Pelizza, L., Leuci, E., Quattrone, E., Azazali, S., Paulillo, Paulillo, Pupo, Pupo, S., S., Pellagrini, Pelegrani, Biancalani, A., Gammino, L. And Menchetti, M., M., M., M. 2023. Comparison of borderline personality disorders and mood disorders: Clinical comparison of young people who have been treated with the "early intervention" service of the first episode psychiatric service. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 37 (4), pp. 100219.

Rafizadeh, R., Frankow, L., Mahmood, H., Poonia, Mathewitz, M., Danilewitz, M., C., C. A., Honer, Honer, W. G. G. Relationship between Closapin treatment in the combined person with amphetamine and stimulants, amphetamine recurrence, and terminating ratio: Retro Supective Cohort Research Psychiatry Magazine, 37 (10), 1040-1048, pp. 1040-1048.

Skipworth, J., Garrett, N., Pillai, K., Tapsell, R. and McKenna, B., 2023. Psychiatric wards after discharge: The increase in New Zealand. The forefront of psychiatry, 14, pp. 1038803.

The role of clothing after discharge from the psychiatric ward: is increasing in New Zealand. Measurement of recovery in participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorder: Verification BMC PSYCHIATRY, 23 (1), pp. 1-9.

Taylor, K. M., ORUCU, E., NANDHA, S. And Cella, M., 2023. Early intervention of mental illness throughout life: Service perspective. Mental health community journal, 59 (2), pp. 266-274.

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Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Introduction The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) for adults, and equivalent measures for children and adolescents and older people. The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) 1 is a scale clinician-rated measure developed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to guide everyday. The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) arose out of the UK's Health of the Nation Strategy, and was created by Wing and colleagues as.

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