How Blockchain Technology Can Help us Achieve Prosperity Devcon Archive Ethereum Developer
How Blockchain Technology Can Help us Achieve Prosperity
Don Tapscott speaks on the stage of DevCon1 and tells how blockchain technology is useful for prosperity.
Debcon 0 speech 34:24How to sell ideas
VINAY GUPTA gives a lecture on how to show ideas.
Debcon 1 speech 16:18Stable contract: from legal perspectives
Cornell Tech's Bill Marino introduces the stability agreement: from a legal perspective
Debcon 1 speech 14:40Matan Field gives a backfeed (http: // backfeed. Cc) presentation. Backfeed develops resilient technology and new economic models to support free and large organized collaboration.
Debcon 1 table 33:23Bank trading using smart contracts
Banking using smart contracts by Lee Braine, Ian Cusden (UBS), Society Generale, Andrew Keys, and James Slazas I'm discussing.
Lee Brain, Ian Kasden, Lex Mosley, Andrew Keys, James Slisas
Debcon 1 speech 21:53Challenge to public financial consensus
Vlad Zamfile discusses the issues of finding the people's economic consensus indirectly with Casper POS.
Debcon 1 speech 15:14The colony (http: // colorny. IO/) is a distributed governance and community collaboration platform for providing ideas, making decisions, doing work, providing feedback on each other's work, and building reputation.
Debcon 1 speech 22:37Tell the story of Ethereum
This is the best way to tell WILLIAM MOUGAYAR (https: // Twitter. Com/wmougayar) the story of Ethereum.
Debcon 1 speech 49:04Dangerous old people's failure of Ciper Punk and the success of Ethereum
Vinei Gupta introduces the history of Cipurpunk, its failure, and the success of Ethereum. Vineii Gupta is a leader on the management of global systemic risks, including infrastructure theory, solutions to failure mode, poverty / growth, and environmental crisis. He is also the inventor of Hexayurt. Vinei had previously belonged to the Ethereum communication and traffic management team.
Vine Gupta, Imougen Haep
Debcon 1 speech 14:48Connor Keenan of Consensys (https: // Consensys. Net/) introduces a distributed version of Reddit based on Ethereum.
Debcon 1 others 03:51Ethereum's Wendell Davis has been on stage and announced the continuation of the Ethereum DevGrants program by generous donations from Omise (https: // www. Omise. Co/).
Debcon 1 speech 16:40Alex Leverington in Ethereum has announced "DEVP2P", a networking protocol of Ethereum.
Debcon 1 speech 16:04Ethereum in a corporate environment
Taylor Gerring of Ethereum has announced Ethereum in an enterprise environment.
Debcon 1 speech 13:10Ethereum Africa chance
4G Capital (http: // 4g-capital. Com/) announced "Ethereum: The African Opportunity" by Wayne Hennessy-Barrett.
Debcon 1 speech 16:19Formal meaning theory for protocols
Peter McBney announced the official Semantics of protocol in DevCon1 in Ethereum.
Debcon 1 table 38:18Gambling on the blockchain
A panel focusing on gambling on the blockchain. Moderators are Wendel Davis, Peter Bora, Julian Pillman, Jim Berry, Tyler Smith.
Wendel Davis, Peter Bora, Julian Pillman, Jim Berry, Tyler Smith
Debcon 1 speech 18:25History of blockchain
Nick Szabo will be on stage to introduce the history of blockchain technology and his initiatives in the Ethereum Tech stack.
Debcon 1 speech 20:09Project IBM MTN
IBM's Henning Diedrich announces the IoT MTN project.
Debcon 1 speech 13:58Inflate community management
Ashley Taylor of Consensys (https://consensys. net/) will publish an open source tribal event management platform.
Debcon 1 speech 15:15Insurance on the blockchain
ELIAS HAASE of B9 Lab presents insurance on the blockchain.
Debcon 1 speech 20:03Introduction to consensus
Dominique Williams will give a presentation for "Introduction to consensus."
Debcon 1 speechLightning Talk: Ethereum Learning and Community Navigate Method
Hudson Jameson announced the best way to navigate the Ethereum community and tools they use for communication.
Debcon 1 table 58:30Middleware Service & Amp; Amp; Oncheen
Ethereum's George Hallam will be a moderator for panel for Ethereum middleware and o n-fin services.
Roman Mandeleille, Piper Maryam, Christian Lund Cuvist, Joseph Chou, Nikolai Muche Gann, George Harum
Debcon 1 speech 19:45Unique design pattern for blockchain
Lucius Greg Meredis explains the latest information on the official verification software "Specialk" used in CASPER and an outline of the design module.
Lucias Greg Meredis
Debcon 1 speech 12:49The myths and facts of reputation systems
Andres Junge of yaykuy (https: // www. Yaykuy. Cl/) will announce the myths and facts of the reputation system.
Debcon 1 speech 18:13Review of business processes with blockchain and smart contracts
Mathew of Deloitte gave a lecture on reconstruction of business processes using blockchain and smart contracts.
Debcon 1 speech 08:48 Debcon 1 speech 22:07For dynamic economic, society, and political matrix
Joseph Rubin of consensus (https: // consensys. Net/) announced "for dynamic economic, society and political grids."
Debcon 1 table 16:14Metakinetic grid distributed energy management solution
Kinetic grid, distributed energy management solution Microswitch The common energy economy, which has the potential of the energy market, is integrated with LO3 Energy (http: //lo3energy. Com/) and consensys (https: // consensys. Net/). Consortium.
Debcon 1 speech 16:18Concentric Phil Barry introduces the recent revolution in digital music consumption UJO (http: // ujomusic. Com/), especially streaming!
Debcon 1 speech 14:09Consensys (https://consensys. net/) Nick Dodson, the distributed crowdfunding platform (http: // Weifund. IO/) About to/) introduction.
Debcon 2 speech 13:40Beyond the bubble
A presentation focusing on how to deal with education and recruitment issues in order to expand the blockchain industry.
Debcon 2 speech 08:48CARBONVOTE Counter for human consent
Introducing CARBONVOTE. com space, voting mechanisms, community consensus views, and future roadmaps.
Debcon 2 speech 16:12Smart Contract Research Guidance: Options
It is difficult to work on smart contracts, and it is even more difficult to understand it. We analyze what the academic community is doing and what to do to develop the basic science of smart contracts. We approach from three aspects of tools (including formal verification and analysis models) tools, errors, and recovery with escape hatch for better smart contracts. We will review current related research and discuss research and engineering guidelines to increase the cost of future attacks, based on the lessons learned from customs on site.
Debcon 2 table 31:53A 3 0-minute panel to explore the use of Ethereum in a corporate environment.
Matthew Spoke, Marley Gray, Roman Mandeleil, Victor Wong, Henning Diedrich, Alex LIU
Debcon 2 speech 13:54Initiatives on Ethereum Blockchain in Tomson Reuters
Tim New Gent will explain Tomson Reuters' concept demonstration projects, including Oracle Services, which provides rea l-time marketplaces and smart contract reports.
Debcon 2 speech 18:50Deontic Moda l-based L4 Contract Programming Language Design
We propose a specific language (DSL) for consistent, correct, and complete (smart) contracts. That is, the dsl performs the functional language to the 𝜆-culplulus, and the DSL to Deontic Modal μ-Calculus. In other words, DSL expresses obligations, permissions, prohibits, and other conventional concepts in a way that can be easily inferred by computers. The compiler is responsible for the static analysis of the contract, automatic detection of errors in various categories, such as inconsistency, integrity, target satisfaction, and policy compliance. The functional language is suitable for this kind of formal verification, and we are developing L4 in Haskell. L4 was born from academic literature on the formula of the contract, all of which are open source, and are looking for function requests and contributors to define and create "SQL for contracts". 。
Dr. Virgil Griffith & Vikram Vama
Debcon 2 speech 18:49Ethereum for devices with limited resources
Mobile, portable, SBC, IoT current status and roadmap
Debcon 2 speech 25:17Ethereum in 25 minutes
Vitalic Buterin, Chief Scientist of the Ethereum Foundation, explains Ethereum.
Debcon 2 speech 20:20Ethereum full stack
Presentation that covers the current initiatives with Ether. camp, such as Block Explorer, online IDE, Ethereumj client, etc.
Debcon 2 speech 12:47We propose a specific language (DSL) for a completely distributed cloud with Ethereum blockchain
IEXEC provides SMI/SME and personal applications, datasets and computing resources that are safe and easy to access. IEXEC utilizes the research technology of desktop grid computing (also known as volunteer computing) developed in INRIA and CNRS. The principle is to use a computing resource that is rarely used on the Internet to execute a very large parallel application at a few minutes of conventional supercomputers. IEXEC is based on Xtremweb-Hep. Xtremweb-HEP is a mature compact, open source desktop grid software that implements all necessary functions: Fall Torrance, Multi-Application, Multi User, Hybrid Public/ Private Inflation, Development of Virtual Images, Data Implement all necessary functions, such as management, security and accountability, and interaction with ESCIENCE infrastructure. In this lecture, everyone can rent computing resources (CPU, storage, GPU, ...) and organizes distributed infrastructure and marketplace that can be used by innovative small and mediu m-sized enterprises that design big data and HP applications. Introducing how Ethereum can be used to do it.
Debcon 2 speech 23:19Regulatory issues in DAPP development
DAPP development and tokens, especially tokens, propose unique issues for regulatory authorities and law execution agencies. Ming Chan, the executive director of the Ethereum Foundation, introduces the regulation issues for creating Dapps, and then Peter Van Valkenburgh gives a presentation in COIN CENTER. Peter briefly explains the COIN CENTER advocacy activities and the current legal situation surrounding these technologies. < SPAN> IEXEC provides SMI/SME and personal applications, datasets, and computing resources that are safe and easy to access. IEXEC utilizes the research technology of desktop grid computing (also known as volunteer computing) developed in INRIA and CNRS. The principle is to use a computing resource that is rarely used on the Internet to execute a very large parallel application at a few minutes of conventional supercomputers. IEXEC is based on Xtremweb-Hep. Xtremweb-HEP is a mature compact, open source desktop grid software that implements all necessary functions: Fall Torrance, Multi-Application, Multi User, Hybrid Public/ Private Inflation, Development of Virtual Images, Data Implement all necessary functions, such as management, security and accountability, and interaction with ESCIENCE infrastructure. In this lecture, everyone can rent computing resources (CPU, storage, GPU, ...) and organizes distributed infrastructure and marketplace that can be used by innovative small and mediu m-sized enterprises that design big data and HP applications. Introducing how Ethereum can be used to do it.
Debcon 2
Debcon 2 speech Regulatory issues in DAPP developmentDAPP development and tokens, especially tokens, propose unique issues for regulatory authorities and law execution agencies. Ming Chan, the executive director of the Ethereum Foundation, introduces the regulation issues for creating Dapps, and then Peter Van Valkenburgh gives a presentation in COIN CENTER. Peter briefly explains the COIN CENTER advocacy activities and the current legal situation surrounding these technologies. IEXEC provides SMI/SME and personal applications, datasets and computing resources that are safe and easy to access. IEXEC utilizes the research technology of desktop grid computing (also known as volunteer computing) developed in INRIA and CNRS. The principle is to use a computing resource that is rarely used on the Internet to execute a very large parallel application at a few minutes of conventional supercomputers. IEXEC is based on Xtremweb-Hep. Xtremweb-HEP is a mature compact, open source desktop grid software that implements all necessary functions: Fall Torrance, Multi-Application, Multi User, Hybrid Public/ Private Inflation, Development of Virtual Images, Data We implement all necessary functions, such as management, security and accountability, and interaction with ESCIENCE infrastructure. In this lecture, everyone can rent computing resources (CPU, storage, GPU, ...) and organize distributed infrastructure and marketplace that can be used by innovative small and mediu m-sized enterprises that design big data and HP applications. Introducing how Ethereum can be used to do it.
Debcon 2
speech speech Regulatory issues in DAPP developmentDAPP development and tokens, especially tokens, propose unique issues for regulatory authorities and law execution agencies. Ming Chan, the executive director of the Ethereum Foundation, introduces the regulation issues for creating Dapps, and then Peter Van Valkenburgh gives a presentation in COIN CENTER. Peter briefly explains the COIN CENTER advocacy activities and the current legal situation surrounding these technologies.
Mi n-chan, Peter Valkenberg
speech speech 14:54Future of digital infrastructure
Matthew Spoke gives a lecture on the future of digital infrastructure.
speech speech 20:45Aion: Connection of blockchain with common fabric
The mainstream adoption of blockchain technology in business ecosystem has been hindered by the limitations of individual blockchain networks. AION is a layered blockchain system designed to address these important issues. The core of our hypothesis is the idea that many blockchains are created in their own industries to solve their own business issues. As a result, the AION network is designed to support many custom blockchain architectures while providing unreliable mechanisms for interoperability between chains. This layered blockchain model enables us to build a blockchain network layer that can communicate and trade with each other using the concept of "bridge" we propose.
Debcon 3
speech speech Blockchain for humanitarian supportIn recent years, the humanitarian support community has been increasingly adopting cash benefits as a means of providing assistance to beneficiaries. In CBT, for example, instead of receiving food in kind, beneficiary receives a means of purchasing food in the form of prepaid bank cards, mobile money, vouchers, bank tickets, etc. In order to enable CBT, each agency depends on financial services brokerage with costs, risks, lo w-priced privacy, accountability, and delay. WFP deals with these issues and promotes cooperation between organizations centered on neutral blockchain platforms to reduce the duplication and division of systems, "Building Blocks Is implemented on a trial basis.
Debcon 3
speech speech Bring the no n-crypto world to Ethereum through social impactAlice is a distributed social impact network based on Ethereum. This gives an incentive that social organizations operate projects with transparency so that fund providers can identify and expand what is really effective. We share our first app, that is, the experience of running a supe r-transparent donation platform targeting the No n-Crypto masses (and tasks). We will also introduce the work we do with major financial institutions and charitors, and the future of Alice Network.
Raphaël Mazet, Jakub WOJCIECHOWSKI
speech speech 06:22How encryption for payroll can improve the struggles of temporary workers
Many temporary workers across the US struggle with fees to cash checks and send money to their families in Latin America and elsewhere. The current process is not only costly, it wastes valuable time and creates delays for families in need.
Devcon 3
speech speech How to build a real-world supply chain ecosystem using the Ethereum Master NetworkWe are building a platform on the Ethereum Master Network for the Italian Ministry of Agriculture to monitor the wine supply chain. The platform is integrated with the Ministry's existing systems and, at a grassroots level, wine producers can legally prove the traceability of all production steps, effectively replacing the current national certification system. Customers can always verify the authenticity of the production history by scanning the NFC label on the bottle with a dedicated mobile app. In this talk, we will explain the elements of the platform architecture and how we solved all of the legal issues, processes and integrations involved in this type of project.
Devcon 3
speech speech Team members and project leaders from the winning projects of IC3-Ethereum Crypto Bootcamp will present their projects and related current or future projects.Everett Hildenbrandt, Phil Daian, Loi Luu, Nate Rush, Haseeb Qureshi.
Devcon 3
speech speech Regulatory Update and Looking AheadWhether we like it or not, regulation often impacts the projects we start and base on Ethereum. In this Coin Center session, we provide an update on regulatory developments over the past year that may impact Ethereum developers, and also look at what to expect in the coming year.
Peter Van Valkenburgh, Jerry Brito
Devcon 3
speech speech Colony Reputation Protocol: A Verifiable and Scalable Reputation SystemColony relies on an extensive reputation system to drive governance and decision-making. The reputation system we build is much more complex than what can be achieved with just a smart contract. Instead, the system overcomes scaling/gas cost constraints by computing a reputation score that is proof-of-chain within the contract. In this discussion, we explain how this off-chain computation with chain validation is designed and game-theoretically secure. We also explain what actions within the colony earn reputations and how reputations are used in the collective decision-making process.
Devcon 3
speech speech Data Engineering for Planetary StorageIn this discussion, we report from the field on a collaborative field research project by Terra Genesis International and Streamr. We provide a technical report on how to collect real-time carbon sequestration data from IoT sensors and soil sampling from cocoa farms in Ecuador and securely transmit it to an Ethereum smart contract via a decentralized peer-to-peer data transport layer. We will share the scientific evidence with the audience, demonstrate the potential of projects that can help reverse global warming, discuss the use of automated drone technology to distribute sensors and collect samples, and explain methodologies for solving connectivity and data collection issues in important real-world use cases.
Gregorios Landua, Risto Karjalainen
Devcon 3 speech 22:12Energy Blockchain in 20 minutes
An overview of the energy blockchain landscape, detailing the technology built to address real-world interactions with Oracles energy data. What have we learned using this technology in mission-critical infrastructure where a misplaced decimal point can cost lives? Power lines can blow up and cost millions of dollars in what would be an accounting error in financial applications? And most importantly, a lot of vision for each node of power generation + energy consumption + to the grid, a smart agent that enables next-day forecasts of energy consumption.
Devcon 3 speech 15:54Open Voting Networks: Decentralized Internet Voting as Smart Contracts
Open Voting Network (OV-Net) is a self-aggregated electronic voting protocol (and perform it). This is also the first extended encryption protocol implemented as a smart contract (that is, zero knowledge proof), and can be*operated on today's official Ethereum network. I would like to introduce the greatness of combining this protocol, the technical difficulties encountered when building it (if possible, the gas bill before and after the hard fork), and both the cryptographic protocol and the smart contract.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Killer's ecosystemJoe Lubin talks about the progress of Ethereum's ecosystem and recent projects developed in recent years.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Construction of an independent ecosystem by governanceIn 0x, we want to proceed with the gradual decentralization of network ownership and management rights. As the first step, we will launch a developer subsidy program managed by the community. The program aims to promote communit y-based interests and fund the public interest projects that will lead to the development of platforms. In order to further proceed with this, we will transfer the distribution of subsidies and the storage of subsidy funds to a distributed governance system in a chain managed by ZRX token holders. We are developing. This subsidy program provides a unique opportunity to observe chain governance and community social dynamics when economic interests exist in reality and cannot interfere with the community decision.
Will Waren, Peter Zatez
Devcon 3 speech 10:18The construction of the cross-ecosystem community: Playbook < SPAN> Open Voting Network (OV-Net) is a self-aggregated electronic voting protocol (and perform it). This is also the first extended encryption protocol implemented as a smart contract (that is, zero knowledge proof), and can be*operated on today's official Ethereum network. I would like to introduce the greatness of combining this protocol, the technical difficulties encountered when building it (if possible, the gas bill before and after the hard fork), and both the cryptographic protocol and the smart contract.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Killer's ecosystemJoe Lubin talks about the progress of Ethereum's ecosystem and recent projects developed in recent years.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Construction of an independent ecosystem by governanceIn 0x, we want to proceed with the gradual decentralization of network ownership and management rights. As the first step, we will launch a developer subsidy program managed by the community. The program aims to promote communit y-based interests and fund the public interest projects that will lead to the development of platforms. In order to further proceed with this, we will transfer the distribution of subsidies and the storage of subsidy funds to a distributed governance system in a chain managed by ZRX token holders. We are developing. This subsidy program provides a unique opportunity to observe chain governance and community social dynamics when economic interests exist in reality and cannot interfere with the community decision.
Will Waren, Peter Zatez
Devcon 3 speech 10:18The construction of the Cross Eco System Community: Playbook Open Voting Network (OV-Net) is a self-aggregated electronic voting protocol (and perform it). This is also the first extended encryption protocol implemented as a smart contract (that is, zero knowledge proof), and can be*operated on today's official Ethereum network. I would like to introduce the greatness of combining this protocol, the technical difficulties encountered when building it (if possible, the gas bill before and after the hard fork), and both the cryptographic protocol and the smart contract.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Killer's ecosystemJoe Lubin talks about the progress of Ethereum's ecosystem and recent projects developed in recent years.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Construction of an independent ecosystem by governanceIn 0x, we want to proceed with the gradual decentralization of network ownership and management rights. As the first step, we will launch a developer subsidy program managed by the community. The program aims to promote communit y-based interests and fund the public interest projects that will lead to the development of platforms. In order to further proceed with this, we will transfer the distribution of subsidies and the storage of subsidy funds to a distributed governance system in a chain managed by ZRX token holders. We are developing. This subsidy program provides a unique opportunity to observe chain governance and community social dynamics when economic interests exist in reality and cannot interfere with the community decision.
Will Waren, Peter Zatez
Devcon 3 speech 10:18Construction of Cross Eco System Community: Playbook
Explain a playbook that is used to identify and encourage collaboration beyond the project to solve problems that affect all projects in ETH Eco System. Use to manage the topics based on the lessons learned from the ETHPRIZE, ETHSSECURITY, Web 3. 0 Design, Open Source Block Explorer, Community Community (learning resources for community managers). Tactics And tools, how to set goals and get results. As a format, we will discuss what these communities are looking at above, and then hold an open workshop to provide a creative idea of future useful communities and its construction methods. The goal is to promote the ideas of a new community that can be a very valuable stakeholder, grow an existing community base, or find a creative way to launch a new community. I would like to divide into small groups, share ideas about communities, and give the group live live while receiving feedback from community expert panels. There are not many resources for community formation, and there are even less conversations and workshops on this topic.
Devcon 3 speech 31:12Distribution to isolation
We propose charitable and public funding plans to enable (almost) the optimal provision of the decentralized sel f-associated ecosystem of public goods. This concept extends ideas from square voting to financing mechanisms for the formation of internal community. Individuals contribute to public goods to projects with their own value. The amount received from the project is doubled (in proportion) to the total of the square root of the permitted square root. Under the "Standard model", this will bring the best public goods first, and with some modest fixes, it can be quite stubborn against abusive or altruistic deviation from this model. 。 We will discuss the application of election funds, development ecosystem, financial media, and more in general, liberal and community debate.
Devcon 3 speech 09:42Decentralization and dissatisfaction
Ethereum plays a particularly important role, with the movement of the web (or r e-collecting the web). The community that works on these technologies often characterizes diversification as itself is ethical good, but how much is this claim verified? We have divided opinions on what to configure, when the core network is being destroyed (a blacklist by Storm Front, S-DNS provider) when the core network is being destroyed (Storm Front, S Agalized Provider). ) We will look at examples that are used to host morally unfavorable content, such as obvious technical issues (scalability and performance) that hinder the dispersion (scalability and performance). The concept of decentralization looks like a specialized enemy at least on the surface. However, the network we want to build is a product of specialized knowledge. Is it possible to distribute the construction of a distributed network? Finally, uneven decentralization needs to be consistently considered not only for its essential morals, and how to decentralize, but also for who decentralizes. I want to point out that there is.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Distribution, democratization, or deathCorie Ductro, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, talks about the "Crypto War" and the future.
Debcon 4
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Devcon 3 speech speech50:28
Distribution, democratization, or death
Corie Ductro, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, talks about the "Crypto War" and the future.
Devcon 3 speech 26:16No n-centralized identity and reputation reputation
Since I retired from TrueBit, I have focused on distributed identity and reputation. This is a missing and important primitive that enables some of the most exciting blockchain use cases: governance (open space voting, etc.), air drop, unsecured chainless lending, and security token. Reputation allows the protocol to use a playable game instead of individual games. And the ID greatly improves the UX when using Dapps. I would like to give a 2 0-minute presentation on our research on identity and reputation. Starting by indicating the importance of reputation in the pseudonym distributed framework, it may have been considered (1) trust and Pagerank graph, 2) 3) 3) Anchor's assertion We will introduce the basis, and finally discuss open issues to involve participants in this topic in the future. The recently held sessions (Metamask, Dharma, Protocol Labs, Google Brain engineers participated in San Francisco) introduced some of our latest ideas on this topic! -https: // Twitter. Com/SINAHAB/SINAHAB/STATUS/102763976910525952
Devcon 3 speech 10:38Ethereum Governance: Showcase and Tools
Governance is especially difficult in the blockchain community. The first session aims to educate participants in the Governance of Ethereum, large groups, and interactive tools. We are the representatives of major governance organizations, including Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians, EIP editors, and major developers. In the middle of the session, a short presentation and questio n-an d-answer session from each governance group are performed. Software and tool sessions and demonstrations used in governance processes, including exciting new voting/ signaling tools.
Devcon 3 speech 18:32Outline of the impact of Ethereians on society
RHYS Lindmark will explain in detail the impact of Etherei on society.
Debcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Ethereum on Androi d-opportunities and issuesIn this presentation I want to talk about the challenges and opportunities of Ethereum on the Android platform. This platform allows access to a huge number of users and opens up many use cases. It also helps improve security. For example, users are getting used to online banking by using old mobile phones as offline signing devices, leveraging app sandboxing, or even true separation of apps and wallets in UX standards. But all these possibilities come with challenges. Light customers and their incentive layers will be a big problem here. I will try to address the challenges and highlight potential solutions. The discussion will also include a brief assessment of the current situation. We will compare different solutions and approaches. Not only about existing applications, but also about standards in the field.
Devcon 4
Devcon 3 speech FlyingCarpet: An open network for building and using aviation analytics servicesThe FlyingCarpet network connects analytics-hungry companies with teams of data scientists competing to create machine learning/artificial intelligence-driven models from visual data such as drone and satellite imagery. The competitive incentive mechanism collects and ranks opportunities to create machine learning models using a registry of opportunities with loans and features organized by a token (TCRO) that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. From insurance companies to agricultural companies to governments, the FlyingCarpet network enables actionable insights through rich AI analytics. For example, last year FlyingCarpet created a machine learning model that allowed drones to autonomously count the number of coconuts in coconut plantations in Papua New Guinea, something that satellites can't do. The aim was to improve the accuracy of the estimates and reduce the cost of crop forecasting for farmers. From a 20-minute autonomous flight, it efficiently collected data for the entire plantation, providing an accurate coconut count that could be converted into a crop yield forecast to be used in blockchain forecasting platforms like Knowledge. This information can also be used by farmers to optimize fertilizer allocation
Devcon 4
Devcon 3 speech Lisa Chu talks about HTC's mobile phone "Exodus 1".Devcon 4
Devcon 3 speech High-stage decision making: How to maximize your impactAfter honeing my decisio n-making skills for 10 years in the high stake poker world, I discovered an effective altruism. It is an intellectual movement that applies science, evidence, and reason to find the most aggressive way to work on the most imminent problem in the world. According to strict analysis, some no n-profit organizations are literally 1000 times more expensive than average. Furthermore, a significant part of good faith in good faith has rarely affected the problem that is trying to solve or even a negative effect. Given that billions of donations are made every year, it is very important for all charitors to acquire critical thinking skills to make such difficult decisions. It is a skill to make a decision under uncertainty, correct the bias, and know when (or not) use intuition (or when). Many Devcon4 participants will resonate with these concepts. As a pioneer in the blockchain, they already understand that they have a truly global and positive social impact in order to ensure a safer and fair future for everyone. I will introduce the framework of the decisio n-making that effective and other associations, along with Natalie Cargil, a philosopher and lawyer, to ensure that actions.
Rib Brie, Natalie Cargill
Devcon 3 speech 17:36How to learn: Improvement of technology governance
The Ethereum Majin's Fellowship is a sel f-elected group of people who cooperate to improve the code and execute code to improve the distribution and cryptocation technology related to the Ethereum Technology Eco System. We will discuss what Ethmagicians has done so far, how to participate and contribute, and how to sel f-organize and achieve consensus and subsequent commits.
Devcon 3 speech speech26:00
How to control the material world with a smart convention?
Devcon 3 speech speech23:37
What kind of nation will it continue in the 21st century?
Devcon 3 speech speech22:00
Does Ethereum conform to Islamic finance?
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Devcon 3 speech Debcon 4Lecture
Devcon 3 speech Debcon 4Lecture
Devcon 3 speech Primavera de Philippi talks about the legal concept of the new legal form of the digital world.Debcon 4
26:45 speech The movement of the blockchain can be seen as a populist reaction to the fact that the financial sector has not been made in the financial sector since the 2008 crisis, in addition to its practical application. This is a famous emotion in the Genesis Bitcoin Blockchain. "TIMES 03/JAN/2009 Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks." Makerdao believes that by adding the important feature of stabilization, DAI can fully realize the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, an electronic cash system in the peer to pear. To do so, we borrowed a lot of different ideas from traditional finance, and in the process, we made a truly overall foundation for a more reasonable financial system. This discussion deeply delves into the differences from the philosophical similarities between Makerdao and the traditional financial world. We discuss how Makerdao symbolizes the important reform of the World Financial System, further adjusting its incentives and fundamentally enhancing their transparency.Debcon 4
26:45 speech Primavera de Philippi talks about the legal task of a new life form based on the blockchain.Primavera de Philippi talks about the legal concept of the new legal form of the digital world.
Debcon 4
26:45 speech Makerdao, which does not exist by DevCon 5, is a new hope for economic reformThe movement of the blockchain can be seen as a populist reaction to the fact that the financial sector has not been made in the financial sector since the 2008 crisis, in addition to its practical application. This is a famous emotion in the Genesis Bitcoin Blockchain. "TIMES 03/JAN/2009 Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks." Makerdao believes that by adding the important feature of stabilization, DAI can fully realize the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, an electronic cash system in the peer to pear. To do so, we borrowed a lot of different ideas from traditional finance, and in the process, we made a truly overall foundation for a more reasonable financial system. This discussion deeply delves into the differences from the philosophical similarities between Makerdao and the traditional financial world. We discuss how Makerdao symbolizes the important reform of the World Financial System, further adjusting its incentives and fundamentally enhancing their transparency.
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Primavera de Philippi talks about the legal task of a new life form based on the blockchain.Primavera de Philippi talks about the legal concept of the new legal form of the digital world.
Debcon 4
26:45 speech Melon is an experimental project developed in a tw o-year workshop by Melonport AG. The ambitious Melon team was to build a distributed asset management system with Ethereum as a power source. The mission has been achieved. In this discussion, I would like to deeply insight into our journey to build tomorrow's asset management infrastructure on Ethereum. I would also like to publish melon V1. 0, along with melon ecosystem economics (Melmonics) and governance mechanism. The token model has never been tried before, and has used research in the past by famous experts, including Vitalic Buterin. Similarly, the melon vanance system is unique in many aspects, enabling melon port to resign while ensuring the life and perfection of the protocol as the only administrator of the melon protocol. This presentation is the first step in the process of decentralizing the protection of the melon protocol, and we want to make a public recruitment with the Melon Technical Council (considering our niche governance model, Devcon's audience. Ideal for this open recruitment). The melon port does not exist at this time of next year. The discussion explains how we made it possible.Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis that he created. Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis that he invited. The country is standing on the brink of collapse due to relentless banknotes and miserable fiscal policies. Eduard talks about himself about the people who use it as a value storage and exchange medium that cannot stop cryptocurrency. Alejandro is an open that can be used by anyone, unlike the dead bolivals, the cryptographic community, which contains projects such as ZCASH, Bitcoinvenezuela. com, and MakerDao You will find that you are studying how to access money.Alejandro Machado, Eduardo Gomez
Debcon 4
26:45 table Elaine Shi talks about Pala Consensus protocol.Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Debcon 4speech
PROGPO W-Proof of Work by program
26:45 table Lecture20:59
RIC O-Realization of fair ICOs, reversal of ICO
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain speech29:03 < SPAN> The modern global order Internet and blockchain we pointed out during the West Treaty today became a dominant economic force that could break the boundary imposed by the natio n-state (that is,: "Facebook and Russians"), an attempt to seek a new power balance has begun. Earth Demo Classie uses Ethereum Network to explore smart contracts that can provide conventional democracy, such as forced and resistance to bribes, to provide traditional democracy.
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Kristy-Leigh Minehan talks about Progpow.Debcon 4
26:45 speech Debcon 4speech
29:03 The modern world order Internet and blockchain we pointed out during the West Treaty today became a dominant economic power that can break the boundary imposed by the natio n-state (that is, "Facebook) And Russians ", an attempt to seek a new power balance has begun. Earth Demo Classie uses Ethereum Network to explore smart contracts that can provide conventional democracy, such as forced and resistance to bribes, to provide traditional democracy.
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain PROGPO W-Proof of Work by programKristy-Leigh Minehan talks about Progpow.
Debcon 4
26:45 speech RIC O-Realization of fair ICOs, reversal of ICOERC20 had a much greater impact than expected when I proposed a project in November 2015. After the recruitment of this standard, a huge ICO was made, making it easier to raise funds. This leads to a democratization of this field, but also leads to a huge amount of funds that all projects cannot meet expectations, and on the other hand, not only a completely fraudulent project, but also any examples. The door was also opened to a project. It's time for the project to regain balance by making the projects worthwhile to provide money. RICO (Reversible ICO) has the potential to make ICO more fair, a proposal I introduced a few months ago. This is realized by releasing funds over time and giving each participant to reduce funding to the project at any time.
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain The first person who actually uses encrypted, if we are honest with banks that do not have a bank account, or if we are honest with banks that do not have a bank account, or the resistance to censorship for ordinary people. Even if censorship is an important person, we are not surprising. Everyday problem. In addition to the dishonest state, drug sellers, and poor, sex workers are also prominent as the next main group that uses encryption in everyday life. I think we need to accept this community and build a unique plan with them in mind. In this lecture, we would like to discuss the following: Cultural similarity between encryption and sex worker community, trust and verification-Escorting customers before the first meeting, self-management, encryption-how to spend money. I don't want to be blocked, sex worke r-how to use the body, I don't want anyone to be blocked, privac y-counterfeit ID / proto n-mail / cash, sex worker and blockchai n-based solutions, access to banks Lack of, difficulty in issuing advertisements, intermediaries looking for employment (proxy), cases where cancellation, sex work no n-crime, opportunity for Ethereum to welcome the ER communityAmeen Sole Mani & Chelsea Palmer
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Get a fun project bag including fan sea oracle, ETH-ETC, relay, fan seed main, new swag, new wiki version, Islamic finance, backdoor, ether ... cards including cards.Debcon 4
26:45 speech Cloud sourcing and crowdfunding have been present in the aerospace industry for decades, but usually seem to be independent of each other. With the advent of crypto economy, the incentive system can be designed to enable larg e-scale adjustments in space development of open source in a new way with crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. The Decentral Space is a DAO that creates a new governance model and a citize n-led space agency, which has the ultimate goal of allowing humanity to make it impossible. The proposal of the project is judged and curated by the decentral space, leading to the activation of projects for crowdsourcing. If volunteers support Bootstrap entities for profitability without legal protection of ownership, ethical complexity will occur. To solve this, the Space Di s-Ralal project uses a toke n-based task management system based on Aragon. What is expected by participating in Space Decentral is: If the new mission needs to be sent to the new entity (such as a child DAO), each individual is counted by the collected unrecoverable token and for Ethereum. It is transparent in Ethereum and is reduced by Ethereum for Ethereum. This new collaboration modelDebcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Brewster Kahle talks about the history, decentralization attempt, current technology, and what is needed from the community. He also talks about the advantages of decentralization, the steps to reach it, and the issues that must be overcome in the process. After the presentation, a Q & A session is held. A.Debcon 4
26:45 speech Debcon 4speech
26:45 speech Debcon 4speech
Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding have been present in the aerospace industry for several decades, but they usually seem to be independent of each other for the future of socially scalable ether. With the advent of crypto economy, the incentive system can be designed to enable larg e-scale adjustments in space development of open source in a new way with crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. The Decentral Space is a DAO that creates a new governance model and a citize n-led space agency, which has the ultimate goal of allowing humanity to make it impossible. The proposal of the project is judged and curated by the decentral space, leading to the activation of projects for crowdsourcing. If volunteers support Bootstrap entities for profitability without legal protection of ownership, ethical complexity will occur. To solve this, the Space Di s-Ralal project uses a toke n-based task management system based on Aragon. What is expected by participating in Space Decentral is: if the new mission needs to be sent to the new entity (such as a child DAO), each individual is counted by the collected unrecoverable token and for Ethereum. It is transparent in Ethereum and is reduced by Ethereum for Ethereum. This new collaboration model
26:45 speech 37:45Web we want
Brewster Kahle talks about the history, decentralization attempt, current technology, and what is needed from the community. He also talks about the advantages of decentralization, the steps to reach it, and the issues that must be overcome in the process. After the presentation, a Q & A session is held. A.
Debcon 4
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain 20:20Ethereum and related Web3 technologies have the potential to make the laws of the future more open, inclusive, and fair. But until now, Ethereum has been an almost exclusive playground for a small coterie of already-wealthy, never-married, mostly Western, almost exclusively male techies. Can Ethereum go beyond that? Can it fulfill its mission to be the computing platform of the future for all humanity? How do we overcome the major hurdles it currently faces in mass adoption, including UX, the complexity of basic administration and identity management, public perception of scams and crappy coins, and distribution of awesome wealth? I believe the answer lies in the concept of social scalability, as proposed by Nick Szabo. In this talk, I will introduce the concept, discuss how it relates to Ethereum, and look at current scaling, governance, education, marketing, and UX efforts through this lens. Devcon 4
26:45 speech Devcon 5Speech
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Debcon 5speech
26:45 speech Debcon 5speech
26:45 speech Melon is an experimental project developed in a tw o-year workshop by Melonport AG. The ambitious Melon team was to build a distributed asset management system with Ethereum as a power source. The mission has been achieved. In this discussion, I would like to deeply insight into our journey to build tomorrow's asset management infrastructure on Ethereum. I would also like to publish melon V1. 0, along with melon ecosystem economics (Melmonics) and governance mechanism. The token model has never been tried before, and has used research in the past by famous experts, including Vitalic Buterin. Similarly, the melon vanance system is unique in many aspects, enabling melon port to resign while ensuring the life and perfection of the protocol as the only administrator of the melon protocol. This presentation is the first step in the process of decentralizing the protection of the melon protocol, and we want to make a public recruitment with the Melon Technical Council (considering our niche governance model, Devcon's audience. Ideal for this open recruitment). The melon port does not exist at this time of next year. The discussion explains how we made it possible.Debcon 5
26:45 Is it better than free? The end of Faang The revolution began with a home computer. Later, the cloud appeared and was free from concerns about storage, backup, and availability, but at the price of privacy and surveillance. In this lecture, we propose a solution to a personalized distributed cloud. A redundant home server that guarantees availability provides space and calculation functions that other users can use in exchange for the payment of infrastructure usage fees. However, FAANG (excluding Netflix) offers services free of charge in a model where user data is the driving force of revenue. They provide a really great UX for users, and the users will be happy to exchange privacy. How to compete with millions of dollars E & amp; amp? A and its market share? Many Ethereum Spaces agree that diversification is essentially superior, but in the past many projects have failed and failed. There is. The 10x (minimum adjustment) rule is that something must be 10 times better in order to challenge the status quo. So what is better than free? Payment for use. The key is an incentive model and a powerful distributed level infrastructure. In our lectures, we summarize incentives, TCRs, secure distributed computing, and node federation for the next 10 times the next stage.Eduardo Antonia Dies, Pol Bordas
Debcon 5
26:45 speech Last year, lending and borrowing under smart contracts exploded, became the largest subcategory of Defi. But not all lending protocols are made in the same way. Different protocols have different risk / return profiles, and comparing the rate is often comparison between apple and orange. I would like to introduce the models I have developed to evaluate the risks of different distributed lending protocols, taking into account both smart, contract and and fluid risks. The model is for consumers and aims to provide better information when the protocol users make important financial decisions. If people want their own bank, they need to provide a tool similar to what the current bank has when making a financial decision.Debcon 5
26:45 speech People who are not able to receive sufficient services in the current system and are weakened, are more open, adaptable, seeking typical solutions, so hegemony to human cooperation (nations and companies) ) Is being challenged. The appearance of DAO, distributed governance, and token economics created a new design space that creates incentives and mechanisms that match human behavior. Projects such as aragon, daostack, fairs, gnosis, gitcoin, commmons stack, and molochdao are providing, experimenting, and testing new ways to provide funds to human organizations and control them. We want to create an organization that encourages sustainability over profits, stimulates regeneration rather than rarity, and solves the lack of stakeholders as seen in the current collaboration model. I am. In order to truly affect people outside Ethereum's ecosystems, we need to strategically conduct ant i-hauled goals and vision experiments. For the first time, we will be able to go to the evolved future of a regenerated, sustainable and coordinated human organization "beyond the DAO". The purpose of this workshop is: -Prote the dialogue and discussion of the future we are really aiming fo r-People who are experimenting with new organizational models gather in the same room, discuss the joint strategy, and share ideas.Debcon 5
26:45 speech Constance Choi, Rick Dudley, Silke Noah Elriffi, Maria Gomez, Kay Cluji, Carla Reyes, Phenny OneDebcon 5
26:45 speech As long as the technology exists, blockchain has promised an empowerment for a community that has not received a sufficient service. However, in most cases, the promise has not yet been realized. The projects so far have been mainly for people living in wealthy countries. To have a blockchain a really positive impact on the people who need it most, to find out their dreams, wishes, and tasks facing them in a deep cooperation with communities that have not received enough services. You need to actually have a conversation. In early 2019, international NGO Oxfam and SEMPO SEMPO have partnered to launch StableCoin's first humanitarian support program. In cooperation with the Vanuatsu community in the Pacific Country, which has been extremely remote, we use the vouchers secured from DAI, and those who are more than 200 people are needed by local companies under their own conditions. I was able to buy things. This project was limited to access to smartphones and banks in a local community where the Internet would go down for days. This lecture is a joint presentation between Oxfam and SEMPO. In such an extreme environment, I will talk about how we overcome the issues, what the meanings were for those involved in the project, and our vision for the future of financial inclusion.Sandra Uwantege Heart, Nick Williams
Debcon 5
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Bridge in somewhereJames Prestwitch, Brian Balendorf, Justin Drake, Joseph Schweizer
Debcon 5
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Although the number of DAOs continues to increase, most of these DAOs have no corporate or legal abilities, so they are still not interacting with corporations. The purpose of this workshop is to create a bill for the government to approve DAO as a corporation. However, the condition is that DAO has a certain characteristics that makes it easier to interact with third parties, and the minimum guarantee robustness, monitoring, and accountability. The purpose is not to create a new type of company that can host a DAO (an approach adopted by C. F. Vermont and Malta), but rather a specific geographical control that would be incorporated. It is to separate some legal approval into a DAO that exists in a "legal" state (a. k. a. in the blockchain world), not an area. As the blockchain technology has recently granted the technical and economic services (such as the ability to own a smart contract relationship) to DAO, the Judgment Open in each country is these new technical opportunities. In order to recognize, enable these technical provisions, and match new legal provision, it is essential to give DAO a certain legal personality and legal ability. In this work, it is necessary to build the definition of DAO what it should be.Constance Choi, Anji Das Gupta
Debcon 5
26:45 speech Melon is an experimental project developed in a tw o-year workshop by Melonport AG. The ambitious Melon team was to build a distributed asset management system with Ethereum as a power source. The mission has been achieved. In this discussion, I would like to deeply insight into our journey to build tomorrow's asset management infrastructure on Ethereum. I would also like to publish melon V1. 0, along with melon ecosystem economics (Melmonics) and governance mechanism. The token model has never been tried before, and has used research in the past by famous experts, including Vitalic Buterin. Similarly, the melon vanance system is unique in many aspects, enabling melon port to resign while ensuring the life and perfection of the protocol as the only administrator of the melon protocol. This presentation is the first step in the process of decentralizing the protection of the melon protocol, and we want to make a public recruitment with the Melon Technical Council (considering our niche governance model, Devcon's audience. Ideal for this open recruitment). The melon port does not exist at this time of next year. The discussion explains how we made it possible.Debcon 5
26:45 LEX CRYPTOGRAPHICA: Legal assignments for new creatures based on blockchain Constance Choi, Anji Das GuptaDebcon 5